With this app, you can also play with your favorite songs and share them with others. To learn guitar, you must follow Justin’s learning path with instructional videos, innovative exercises, and a fantastic collection of songs.

These courses will completely teach you how to play. The app features the world’s best real guitar teacher known as Justin Sandercoe, who elegantly guides you through your first song with its interactive step by step course. It is an education app that lets you learn chords, tabs, strumming, scales, capo, fingerpicking, and hundreds of songs. It is a fun app that teaches you how to play guitar if you are a beginner and even if you have been playing it for a while. Justin Guitar Beginner Song Course: Songs, Tabs Chords is an Education app created by Musopia for Android and iOS devices. Try it out if you want to become a true guitar player. It also includes key features such as audio slow down tools, support multiple formats, loop tool with automatic beat sync, riff builder tool, and much more. Riffstation also allows you to create custom jam tracks by rearranging the riffs in your favorite songs to deliver a more realistic experience. On this app, you can see the guitar chord diagrams and hear the original music in perfect synchronization in any key at any speed.

It is a simple and easy-to-use app that offers a more fun way to learn new music skills, play your own favorite songs, and share your progress with others.

The application has an auto mode that can detect major, min, and 7th chords with approximately 85% accuracy. You can effectively load any song from your music collection, and it automatically calculates and shows you how and when to play each guitar chord synced with the original music. Riffstation is an unlimited app for musicians and guitar players to practice and learn the song they love.